Smash Cakes by Talent 2 Design

from CA$30.00

Capture your little ones milestone birthday with an epic Smash Cake photo shoot, or perhaps its there 1st time experience cake and like to have there own personal cake. Whatever your reason Talent 2 Design has created hundreds of smash cakes for clients, and Professional Photographers in the Niagara Region.

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Like our line of custom items, so are smash cakes. These require at least 7 days notice, pending we have availability. So when you know your date we suggest you book then, as we fill FAST

We will complete an online consultation to determine your date, theme and designs ideas, as well as flavour and filling preference. For smash cake purposes generally photographers prefer vanilla cake with vanilla filling.

This item is NOT available for Canada Wide Shipping, only pick up at the Bakery - Local Niagara Delivery Available **(fee applied)

Below is a very small portfolio of smash cakes Talent 2 Design has designed - Enjoy!

smash cake:
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